
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Astronomer's May Have Found a Second Earth Within Our Reach!

Scientists are expected to unveil today in a special press conference of astronomer's findings of an exo-planet with Earth-like qualities located within our reach! The planet is located 4.25 light years away and would take twenty years to travel to it with the technology that we have that we are aware of.

This exoplanet is called Proxima B and it orbits our nearest stellar neighbor Proxima Centauri every eleven days. The planet is believed to be a lot larger than earth and may have water on the planet which could also mean it is suitable for life - or may already have life on it!

Due to its strange eleven day orbit around the Proxima Centauri star and eighty three earth days to complete a planetary rotation - the planet is believed to not have any seasons like our earth. So far scientists are speculating into whether or not the planet can host alien life because of its positioning around the star as it is likely to be hit by X-Ray flares and ultraviolet flares often making it increasingly difficult to host life, but it is still a possibility!

Since it is located just outside of our solar system to our nearest orbiting star, who knows? We may in the future get to see if it does host any life if any space missions do commence in the future to see it up close. For now scientists can only speculate, but this is a very interesting planet, this could be Earth 2.0.

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Proxima Centauri 

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