
Wednesday 30 March 2016

OPINION: "Global Warming" is nonsense - No Factual Evidence - The Earth Is a Living Thing

So today's "gossip" topic we are going to discuss why this so called "Global Warming" issue is being raised repeatedly - it seems like it is being thrown in our faces constantly. In our opinion we feel that "Global Warming" is absolute nonsense because really the Earth is a living thing - climates have been changing for decades - even without the use of man-made sulfuric gases that escape from factories and power plants and so on. People seem to forget that the world itself is a living thing and it changes constantly. The evidence to support this - well - all you need to do is look outside and research natural occurrences online. Volcanoes erupt all of the time and they spill millions of particles and plumes of sulfuric gas into the air - and yet people do not blame that on Global Warming. Volcanoes have been erupting for hundreds of years - yet we are still here. The seasons blossom and fall at different times each year - again nature's decision. To be honest can you remember last summer? Was it even that hot? Well in Europe it was one of the coolest summer's since remembered. So this is the question we have to ask ourselves, does "Global Warming" actually exist or is it just a theory (like evolution) where people speculate and blame man for nature's own decisions? Well here at Net7 we think Global Warming is not actually an issue - but a reason for people to complain at the environment. Why not focus on other issues that man has done to destroy nature, for example, all of the radiation leaking into the Pacific Ocean - which has been leaking for five years and is continuing to leak - which in effect has destroyed and contaminated the vast majority of the Pacific Ocean - marine life is washing up onto Japanese and West American shores constantly and in high quantities. We will leave it there though - that is for another article. What do you think about "Global Warming" - We would love to know, comment below or tweet us @NET7OFFICIAL with the #GlobalNet7.

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