
Friday 1 June 2018

President Trump Says North Korea Summit Is Back On!

President Trump has announced that the United States-North Korea summit is back on and will be held in Singapore on June 12th!

After publicly announcing that the planned summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un had been paused due to current circumstances last week, the US president has announced today after a meeting with a senior North Korean official that the summit will go ahead in Singapore on June 12th.

President Trump said "relationships are building and that's very positive" and also described a letter he received from North Korea describing it as "very nice and very interesting".

Millions Left Furious After VISA Outage Mayhem Goes Global!

Millions of shoppers across the UK and Europe have been sent in a frenzy after VISA services crash, leaving it impossible to process card payments.

Online shoppers are advised to wait to use their credit or debit cards whilst shoppers have to go to cash points before purchasing in stores, as they are unable to pay by card.

Customers are furious and are in a state of confusion as to why the system has suddenly glitched, leaving people unable to buy anything without cash in hand.

VISA in a general statement said "this incident is preventing some Visa transactions in Europe from being processed. We are investigating the cause and working as quickly as possible to resolve the situation."

There has been no confirmed reason to what caused the outage and how long it will take before shoppers can resume shopping with their VISA cards.

Just about all retailers across the UK and Europe have displayed "cash only" notices meaning that you will have to go to a cash point before having the ability to purchase anything.

More people question the reliability if society one day became cashless if people were to just rely on card payments without the use of cash in hand.

Shoppers took to Twitter to express their frustration:

While shoppers were angry, some joked through the mayhem, even mocking the recent TSB technical issues that millions have also faced these past few weeks.

The system is still down and there is no word as to when VISA systems will be operating again, but it is advised that you should go to a cash point and withdraw money before buying in store.

We will keep you updated if any change occurs.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Massive Police Presence In Manchester City Centre After Huge Protest Erupts

                      Protests Erupt @ Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester 

                                         Credit: M.E.N. Link to article:

Police are urging people to avoid Manchester City Centre after major protest causes severe disruption. 

People are being urged to stay away from Piccadilly Gardens as protests turn nasty across the city centre. 

Two groups with opposing views including EDL have clashed resulting in gas canisters going off along with bottles being thrown.

Many of the Greater Manchester Police force are at the scene as the protest erupted. They are at the scene to try and calm it all down and to ensure that safety is maintained. 

Footage has appeared all over social media of the demonstration of what started as a demonstration against terrorism — after 22 people were killed and dozens injured in a terrorist attack during an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena on May 22nd 2017. 



A video posted to the Daily Mirror shows gas canisters being thrown and people running from the scene in panic. 


The video appears to show gas canisters being set off and loud bangs being heard causing people to panic and flee the scene.

The protest between two groups seems to have been caused by opposing views between right-wing and left-wing demonstrators. There was also reports that police were knocked to the ground by protesters as they tried to storm their way through the streets of the city centre. 

Anti-Sharia Law protests have also taken place across the United States this weekend, causing people with opposing views to clash, similar demonstrations have taken place all across the world this weekend.

Public transport including trams, buses and trains to and from the city centre, particularly near the Piccadilly Gardens area, has been severely disrupted by the large scale protest and police are urging people to stay away from the city centre in order to keep safe. 

Wednesday 31 May 2017

President Trump To Pull U.S. Out of Paris Climate Deal

President Trump has confirmed his decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate deal which could take up to 3 years if the decision is made not to withdraw from the United Nations climate change treaty, which would be a quicker process.

The controversial Paris Agreement deal is an agreement with the UNFCCC which will deal with ways of combating the ongoing problem of greenhouse gas emissions as well as adaptation and how these process can be solved financially.

The deal was initiated November 2016 involves European member states and is in a bid to reduce the effects of global warming to try and reduce global temperatures to a "stable" level.

It is not surprising that the agreement is controversial as scientists in more recent months are reporting that the earth is going through a stage of global cooling instead of global warming, with temperatures already at more "stable" level than it is stated by some environmentalists. Some even say that global warming is a hoax as a way to tax for carbon emissions.

Also people have speculated a rumour these past few years at a possible "carbon tax". It was reported yesterday that scientists fear that if tax on carbon emissions is not drastically increased by 2030 then we could be headed for "catastrophic" global warming.

President Trump has taken the decision to withdraw from the agreement, presumably to focus on climate interests within the U.S. and may also be an economic decision as well as environmental.

Should the U.S. withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement? Let us know in the comment section below.

Sunday 7 May 2017

French Election 2017: Macron Elected As French President With 65% of The Vote

French citizens took to the polls today to decide who they want the next French president to be.

Macron will become the next French president over Le Pen with over 12 million votes (62%) whilst Le Pen has over 7 million votes (38%). These figures are likely to change as more votes appear.

President Trump in a tweet congratulated Emmanuel Macron for his victory:

Marine Le Pen also congratulated Macron in a speech and vows to continue fighting for what she believes. The centrist Macron will become the youngest elected president of France.

Watch Macron's victory speech below:

  What do you think of the result?

Wednesday 31 August 2016

2016 Is Seeing More Seismic Activity Than Any Year This Century So Far...


It is no wonder why many people across the globe are coming up with their own theories on why we are entering a stage of heightened seismic activity when somewhere around the world is being hit by a large magnitude quake, if not everyday, a few days apart. Just today a magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Papua New Guinea, luckily not prompting any Pacific wide tsunami warning. Just last week we saw Italy's most devastating earthquake since 1980, a magnitude 6.2 which struck central of the country claiming over 200 lives and burying almost all of the town of Amatrice, located next to the epicenter of the earthquake. On that very same day hours later, another large quake struck Burma, Myanmar measuring 6.8 in magnitude claiming one life and causing damage to infrastructure near the quakes epicenter. 

                             Photo shows building in Myanmar, Burma after 6.8M Earthquake
                                                                        Credit: AFP

According to USGS's statistics on their website which shows earthquake statistics between the years of 2000 to 2012, on average there are fifty earthquakes per day of magnitudes between 1 to 9 on the Richter scale. That equals 20,000 earthquakes per year. As you can see on the chart below taken from USGS's statistics 2003 and 2004 were very seismic years with 11,000 extra earthquakes as an approximation above the average. This year however, looking at Global Incident Maps, there are around one hundred earthquakes a day give or take since February to March when earthquakes started to dramatically increase in magnitude and amount. So as a calculation and an approximation due to the unpredictability of earthquakes we can calculate on the basis of having 100 earthquakes per day which is what we have been seeing nearly everyday since the beginning of this year. We are expected to see by the end of this year: 100 x 365 which equals 36,500 earthquakes if seismic activity still picks up, which would then result as a record breaker for recorded earthquakes this century and 2016 will go down as one of the most seismic and most active years for both earthquakes and volcanoes.

                                                     Link: USGS Statistics Archive 2000-2012

Looking at today's earthquakes, in accordance to Global Incident Maps, we have had 100 earthquakes worldwide in just 19 hours, which include aftershocks from the 6.2 quake in Italy last week and a 5.9 magnitude quake that prompted fears in Kyushu Japan due to Fukushima, the plant where radiation has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean since the deadly quake back in 2011 and is still damaged from that earthquake. That means that today we have had over 100 earthquakes around the world showing that earthquakes are continuing to increase. 

                    Image Showing Earthquakes Between 30th-31st August 2016, 100 In Total. 

So why has this been the most seismic years? Well many have their own theories from the "earthquakes in diverse places" theory to the vast increase in solar flares which have also been happening throughout the course of this year with many CME's being ejected that are earth facing. Fracking is also another theory that people have for those who have been feeling earthquakes in area's that are not very prone to them and have occurred there frequently, for example, Central America which has seen many 3.0 magnitude quakes this year and later it was discovered that it was because of fracking and the injecting of oil into rocks underground causing significant movement. Some have even speculated at a possible pole shift or the arrival of a new planet into our solar system after scientists have discovered an Earth-like planet sitting outside of our solar system and another planet called "Planet Nine" which scientists and astronomers have teamed up recently to find to prove the theory of an undiscovered planet helping the orbit of our very own discovered planets in our solar system. Scientists also discovered a few months ago that there are massive blobs of lava under the ground rising up from the core through the mantle and up to the crust which scientists say take many years to happen as they move so slowly and some say that it is due to this movement underground which is resulting in these earthquakes to occur []. 

                                   Image Showing M6 Class Solar Flare on April 18th 2016. 

                        Image Showing Terrestrial Activity Throughout Late 2015 and This Year. 

There are many theories out there about why we are seeing so many earthquakes this year, but looking at statistics earthquakes are continuing to increase and gain in magnitude and still nobody has a solid answer to why, but one thing we know for sure is that this year will go down as the most seismic year of the century. 

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Net 7 News Radio Podcast: 100 Earthquakes In 8 Hours After 6.2 In Italy and 6.8 In Myanmar!

100 earthquakes have happened in 8 hours with 58 of the earthquakes being aftershocks that have been rocking central Italy after the destructive 6.2 Magnitude quake to hit there at 3:20am local time. Hours after this earthquake in the town of Amatrice, there was yet another large earthquake reported in Burma Myanmar measuring at a large 6.8 in magnitude. It has been reported that in Amatrice "a third of the town" turned to rubble and that "it is not a town anymore" and over a hundred people have died due to the collapse of homes and infrastructure. Many more people are also feared dead and trapped under rubble. This has possibly been the largest earthquake to hit Italy this century with the last major earthquake to strike Italy thirty years ago.

There has been a sudden increase in earthquakes worldwide starting from February-March and many have their own theories as to why. We are already seeing 16,000 potential more earthquakes than USGS's 20,000 a year average with a total of an approximate 36,000 by the end of this year if the earthquakes keep ongoing at the rate they are in the magnitude range of 1.5-7. Some theories out there is a polar shift, a new planet entering the solar system, biblical prophecy unfolding, magnetic reversal, solar flare activity. Let us know what you think and why we have had so many earthquakes like never seen before this year?

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